How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine ? 3 Best buttonhole machine


If you don’t have an overlocked or a functional serge, the next best thing is the buttonhole foot on your regular sewing machine. How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine ?For those of us who still use manual sewing machines, this is super helpful because it allows us to make perfect buttonholes without any hassle.

I love buttonholes! They’re so much fun to do and it’s really satisfying to see your work come together.

 I was recently asked how to use the buttonhole foot on my Brother’s sewing machine. So, here we go!

How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine

How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine ?

To use the buttonhole foot, you’ll need to make sure your machine is threaded and set up correctly.

  • Thread the needle on your sewing machine.
  • How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine?
  • Check that the stitch length, width, and type are correct for a buttonhole by following these steps:
  • Set your stitch length to 2mm (or whatever size you want).
  • How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine?
  • Select “sew” from the drop-down menu in front of ‘Stitch Selector’ and choose Machine (you can also select Manual). Then move over to Buttonhole Foot Mode – this will enable you to change between Automatic or Manual mode depending on which method works best for what you’re doing at any given time (see below).
  • Read More :best heavy duty handheld sewing machine

Install your buttonhole foot

  • Install your buttonhole foot.
  • Use a buttonhole presser foot to create a single or double row of small holes in fabric, as well as a square one. This is done by pushing the fabric through the machine’s feed dogs and then adjusting their position so that they are hanging off each side of a small piece of paper cut to size (the “button”). Then you can use scissors or an exacto knife to trim away any excess paper, leaving only enough on either side for stitching into place later on.
  • How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine? 
  • Use an attachment with this same function but instead attach it directly onto your sewing machine needle plate; this allows you to change from making straight rows all along one direction like regular quilting stitches do, which may not work well for some projects but will help keep things neat when working with multiple layers such as shirts or pants.

Measure the size of the button

To measure the width of your button, use a ruler. How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine ? The buttonhole foot is designed to accommodate buttons up to 5/8″ wide. If you’re using a shank buttonhole foot, you’ll have to estimate how much extra room will be needed by adding 1/16″ on each side of the diameter of your button.

Mark on the fabric

Once you have made your buttonhole, you will need to mark the fabric on the wrong side of the fabric. How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine? This can be done by marking a dot with a pencil or chalk, then using pins as guides for stitching in place. Make sure that you make these marks in such a way that they will not show once sewn into place!

How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine? 

The final step of marking is positioning your buttonhole foot on top of the fabric and pushing down onto it with both hands until it snaps into place at its maximum depth (about 2 inches).

How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine

Adjust settings on your sewing machine

Now that you’ve adjusted your machine settings, it’s time to press the foot down on your fabric. How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine? Start by placing a piece of paper or scrap fabric under the buttonhole foot and slowly move it up until you feel a good amount of tension in your stitch. How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine? You may need to adjust the pressure on this step depending on what kind of fabric you’re working with (for example, cotton will require less pressure than wool). How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine? Next, position your garment so that its upper edge is lined up with where you want it to be cut through with this stitching method. Then lower down onto whatever patterned piece needs sewing; if there are no more stitches left in your needle but there is still some thread hanging out from underneath a previous one (or if there were two holes created for these reasons), simply pull them back out by hand once again before continuing onward!

How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine

Set tension level at 4.0

  • Set your tension level to 4.0 for thick materials, and 3.0 for thin materials.
  • If you are using a thick material like cotton or denim, increase the tension level by 1 point at a time until it is as tight as possible without over-stretching your thread or breaking the needle (this will happen if you set too high of a tension).
  • How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine? 
  • If you are using an extremely thin fabric like silk or tulle, decrease the tension level by 1 point at a time until it feels tight enough without ripping out any threads during sewing (this will happen if you set too low of a tension).

Stitch using your foot pedal

When you’re ready to start sewing, use the foot pedal. When it’s time to stop sewing and change stitch length, width or pattern, use your foot pedal again.

Make a bar tack at the beginning and end of the stitch

To make a bar tack, start by sewing a straight and narrow stitch. How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine? This will be used to hold the fabric in place while you are stitching the buttonhole or dart. Next, thread your needle with thread that matches your fabric and begin stitching along one side of your stitch until it reaches its end point (the beginning of another straight and narrow stitch). Then bring back toward yourself so that you can sew another bar tack right on top of this one at its end point! Repeat this process until all sides are secure before moving onto finishing off each individual section with decorative stitches like buttonhole or darting options available from our online shop

Cut a slit in the fabric as per design

Cut a slit in the fabric as per design. You can use a seam ripper or sharp scissors to cut through the fabric, but you will need to make sure that your stitches are in exactly the right place before cutting. It’s also worth noting that if you’re using rotary cutter and ruler tips, they should be used in order for them to work properly!

If using rotary cutter and ruler tips: Make sure that both sides of each tip touch each other at all times during sewing (if not then adjust accordingly). How to use buttonhole foot on brother sewing machine ?They should always be perfectly aligned with each other when placed next to one another so that there isn’t any overlap between them like we see here (left). When placing them together carefully check which way round they go into their respective slots – this may seem obvious but sometimes people forget because they are used to seeing things differently than how they actually function on our machines!

Your choice to buy a brother sewing machine comes with a lot of benefits

You have a lot of choices when you buy a Brother sewing machine. If you want to save money, but still get good quality and durability, this is the perfect choice for you. It’s also very easy to use and will help with any project that requires sewing.

The best thing about buying this type of machine is that it’s designed for all types of sewers: beginner or advanced; professional or casual; large projects or small ones; men or women…the options are endless!


If you have always wanted to learn how to use a buttonhole foot on your sewing machine, then we’re here to help. The buttonhole foot is a great addition for any beginner or advanced sewer looking for another way to embellish their projects with beautiful buttonholes. With just a few simple steps, you can be up and running in no time!

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