How To Change A Needle On A Sewing Machine Like A Pro?

How To Change A Needle On A Sewing Machine Like A Pro


Sewing machine needles are a valuable part of your sewing machine. They’re responsible for pushing the thread through the fabric, and if you lose one, it can be difficult to repair. Fortunately, replacing a needle is easy with just a few simple tools and instructions from an expert repair person.

  • Open the stitch plate.
  • Remove the needle from its home and place it on a flat surface with its tip pointing upward (the needle should be parallel to your body).
  • Replace your old sewing machine needle with a new one by sliding it into place until there’s no resistance and you hear it click into position, then threading both ends through their respective holes in order to secure them in place; this can be done while looking at either side of the machine so that you know which end goes where!
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?
  • Re-thread your sewing machine by turning both hand wheels until they stop moving freely before pulling up on them gently until they’re tight again–this will ensure everything works smoothly again once finished!
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Remove the needle by turning it counterclockwise.

  • Remove the needle by turning it counterclockwise.
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?
  • Be careful not to break the needle off in your hand, as this will make it difficult for you to remove any more needles from this machine later on down the road when needed. If this happens, use a pair of pliers (or even better yet, an extreme-angle screwdriver) and gently pry the needle out of its slot until there is enough room left behind for a few more inches without breaking anything else off too badly—this may take some time!
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?

Select the correct needle for your project.

To select the correct needle for your project, you need to consider three things:

  • The size of the needle. Most sewing machines have built-in information about their needles. If you are not sure which one is best for your project, consult with an expert or look at other people’s sewing projects to see what they used.
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?
  • The length of the needle itself (and its point). You may want something longer than standard but shorter than super long or super short so that it doesn’t snag on any material while being inserted into a seam allowance—this can be especially true if using both ends together would result in too much bulk at one end or another due to different thicknesses between layers being sewn together using multiple passes through each layer’s area around where they overlap each other along their edges rather than just having  one large piece all-together where two pieces meet up against each other without any room left over inside or outside either side except maybe just around where one piece meets another piece but not directly underneath where two separate pieces meet up against each other because then there wouldn’t be any more room left over inside either side besides maybe just around where one piece meets another piece but not directly underneath where two separate pieces meet up against each other because then there wouldn’t be any more room left over inside either side besides maybe just around where one piece meets another piece but not directly underneath where two separate pieces meet up against each other because then there wouldn’t be any more room left over inside either side besides maybe just around where one piece meets another piece.
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?

Thread the new needle onto the machine so that the flat side is on your left.

  • Thread the needle through the eye of the needle.
  • Make sure that you are threading it in such a way that its flat side is on your left. This will make it easier to sew with, as you can see what direction you’re going while doing so.
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?
  • The thread should be coming out from the top of your sewing machine and not through any other part of it (other than perhaps its bobbin).
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Push the needle up as far as it will go.

  • Push the needle up as far as it will go.
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?

The first step is to make sure that you have a sewing machine needle that fits your machine and not an old one. If this is not the case, then find out which size of needle would work best for your machine. The manual should tell you exactly what size of needle is needed and where to find them at an affordable price!

Replace the stitch plate and tighten the screw.

  • Replace the stitch plate and tighten the screw.
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?
  • Pull a new needle from your supply kit and replace it in its slot on your machine. You may need to use pliers or a screwdriver to get it into place, but once you’re done replacing the needle, be sure not to over-tighten any screws!
  • How to replace sewing machine needle ?

You can replace a sewing machine needle by yourself easily if given instructions

You can replace a sewing machine needle by yourself easily if given instructions. First, you need to open the stitch plate and remove the needle. The needle has a flat side, which should be on your left when you thread it. Now all you have to do is put in your new one and close up again!


Sewing machine needles can be expensive and can break easily. So it is important to know how to change them quickly or else you will end up paying a lot of money for new ones.

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