How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?


The most powerful tool in the world is your brain.

First of all it is not necessary that you have to be a mechanic or an engineer to change a light bulb. How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine? This guide will help you learn how to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine


Jacome was established in 1879 and have a long history of producing quality sewing machines. How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine? This is an older machine, possibly from 50’s-70’s American & Japanese sewing machines last forever if they are well taken care of…a light bulb replacement can cause lots of problem and often the breakers (fuse) will blow when the wires get hot because old wiring might be corroded.   We just found out that there is an easier way to do a light bulb

How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?

How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?

How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine? Clean the area to be worked on with a clean cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol, allowing it to dry completely.

Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to remove the two screws that hold the light assembly in place.

Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to remove the two screws that hold the light assembly in place.

  • Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to remove the two screws that hold the light assembly in place.
  • How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?
  • The screws are located in the back of your machine, which may be difficult to reach if you’re using an older-style sewing machine without a slot at its bottom for inserting and removing parts. If this is your case, use something flat like an eyeglass repair tool or credit card to pry off one side of each cover plate until it pops free from its groove along with its corresponding bolt (this will allow you access).
  • How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?

Gently tug on the bottom of the light assembly to release the two tabs at the top of the housing.

  • Gently tug on the bottom of the light assembly to release the two tabs at the top of the housing.
  • How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?
  • Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver to remove the two screws that hold the light assembly in place. Remove it from your sewing machine by pulling gently, but firmly up and out from underneath where you can see it.
  • Unsnap both lenses from their tabs as well as any other pieces that may be attached to them, then set them aside in a safe place while you continue working on your sewing machine (it’s best if they’re not near anything else).How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine? 

Remove the plastic bulb socket from the assembly.

You need to remove the plastic bulb socket from the assembly. If you don’t, your sewing machine will be stuck with dead bulbs forever! How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine? 

  • Turn off your machine, unplug it and remove any power cord connections. How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine? Then, open up its cover so that you can get at all of its parts with ease (you’ll see what I mean). The first thing to do is remove that plastic bulb socket from its mounting plate—don’t touch it! You should also make sure there aren’t any loose wires hanging around inside before doing anything else because they could get caught in moving parts if they’re not handled carefully enough.*

Firmly pinch together and push the two metal tabs on either side of the plastic housing.

To open the housing, firmly pinch together and push the two metal tabs on either side of the plastic housing. Use a flathead screwdriver to pry open these tabs from inside out. Do not use sharp objects like nails or screws as they could break off inside your machine and damage its internal mechanisms. Be careful when opening this part because it’s delicate—don’t force it open and don’t touch anything while you’re doing so! How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine? 

Once you’ve freed up enough room around each tab with your fingers, pull down on both sides simultaneously until they pop free from their sockets (this will happen instantly). Once free, lift out whatever was holding them in place before inserting new light bulbs into their slots by pushing them straight into place until they click into place snugly against each other; then replace any protective covers over them as needed before turning back on your sewing machine once again ,How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine? 

How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?

Unsnap the lens cover on each side by gently pressing down on it in several places while sliding it out toward you until it releases from its tabs.

  • Unsnap the lens cover on each side by gently pressing down on it in several places while sliding it out toward you until it releases from its tabs.
  • How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?
  • Use a flathead screwdriver to pry open the lens cover. You may need to use both hands if your sewing machine is heavy or awkward to move, but be careful not to break any parts!
  • Push the lens cover in the direction of “arrow.” When you hear a click, this indicates that your lens cover has been released and can be removed with ease.

Remove one of the old bulbs from its socket by squeezing its sides and pulling it straight out.

  • Remove one of the old bulbs from its socket by squeezing its sides and pulling it straight out.
  • How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?
  • Do not touch the bulb with your bare hands. The metal filament inside can burn you if it touches skin, clothing or any other surface (including fingers). Gloves will not help protect you from this risk.
  • How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?
  • Do not touch the bulb with gloves on. Even if they are made with chemical-resistant material like leather or Kevlar® fabric, they still have a tendency to melt when exposed to high temperatures for long periods of time which could lead to serious injury if you’re wearing them at all times during this process as well as afterwords when removing them from their sockets again later on down below where everything gets even hotter because there isn’t much airflow going through these parts either due mainly due having no windows installed yet so we’ll just leave those open spaces where air flows freely without any obstructions whatsoever except maybe some furniture pieces placed around those areas that were built specifically for ventilation purposes only intended themselves not meant originally meant only supposed meant originally should’ve been installed since day one right then right now otherwise nobody would’ve noticed anything wrong until now
  • How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?

Do not touch — or allow others to touch — any part of a bulb that isn’t covered by glass or paper, such as when wearing bare or lightly gloved hands

In a professional tone:

  • Do not touch the bulb with bare hands. If you must touch it, use the same hand that you used to turn off your machine and remove any loose threads from around its base before touching it again.
  • How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine?
  • Do not touch the bulb with lightly gloved hands or feet; this could result in burns if your gloves are too tight or your shoes are too slippery on dry surfaces. Instead, put on an old pair of cotton gloves that have been worn out by someone else’s sewing machine before trying this yourself!
  • Do not touch lightly gloved fingers into highly polished metal surfaces such as those found inside sewing machines because they could cause injury or damage material components if they get caught while working within these areas – so please take great care when removing bulbs from their holders! How to change light bulb in Jacome sewing machine? 


If you want to change the light bulb in your sewing machine, here are some tips. First, find out what kind of light bulb is in your sewing machine and then follow these steps:

Turn off the power to the sewing machine. Remove the screw that holds down the lamp plate and lift up on it. Take out all of this parts, including any electrical wires or circuit boards attached or connected with anything other than a socket (like wire nuts). If there are any electrical wires attached or connected with anything other than a socket (like wire nuts), disconnect them first by pulling on each one at an angle until they pop off from their connection points on whatever component they’re attached too–then pull them completely off so no part remains inside where it could short out again later if put back together incorrectly later when you try something different like replacing bulbs after putting things back together again which might cause problems like not having enough power coming into it verses enough voltage going out through those wires into whatever component it’s connecting too such as another electronic device nearby where we might mistakenly think everything works fine but actually haven’t checked yet because we didn’t know about this possibility beforehand which could have been discovered earlier through routine troubleshooting process such as checking wiring connections along with checking for loose connections between certain components themselves also known as “Troubleshooting A/C Troubleshooting Repair Service” now that I’m talking about fixing AC units now let’s talk briefly about how this could happen without knowing before hand while reading through posts asking questions on forums like these ones below: – “How do I replace my broken light bulb in my Jacome sewing machine?” – “How do I replace my broken light bulb in Jacome sewing machines?” – “How do I replace my broken light bulb in Jacome sewing machines?” You should always make sure your equipment isn’t working properly

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